Monday, July 14, 2014

Gaza under attack, Day 8

the house next door was bombed, Hamda, suffers from concussion and lost his home

 Ousama, al_Batish is in coma. His leg was amputated and his lost 18 members of his family in the attack

Mariam was injured by schrapnel. Her left side is paralizedand she has not spoken since the atack
The director of Al-Shifa hospital in his destroyed home in which had had also his clinic

 Injured following a missile launched by a drone to warn them about imminent attack next door

 7 missiles launched to destroyed the home of three families, one missile did not explode.

 "We saw the death seven times, my heart is dead"

 demolished Farouk mosque, an Nusseirat refugee camp

 Damages to Nour mosque in al Deikh Balah

(c) Anne Paq/, Gaza Strip


  1. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Vraiment tragique...

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Merci pour votre courage à vous tous journalistes, photographes, vidéastes Palestiniens et internationaux, qui risquez votre vie pour nous informer, pour que les Gazaouis ne tombent pas dans l'oubli et que nous puissions réagir en solidarité avec eux.
    Je salue tout particulièrement la mémoire de tous les enfants tombés ainsi que celle du vidéo journaliste Khaled Hamad.
    Paix pour Gaza, mais il ne peut y avoir de paix sans justice.
